Can a Real Estate Agent Sell a Business?

If you’re a business owner looking to sell your business, you may be wondering if you should hire a business broker or a real estate agent. While a business broker is specifically trained and licensed to handle the sale of businesses, it may come as a surprise to learn that a real estate agent can also sell a business.

This raises the question: can a real estate agent successfully sell a business? The solution might not be as simple as you would believe. Let’s take a closer look at the role of a business broker and a real estate agent when it comes to selling a business.

Can A Real Estate Agent Sell a Business: Real Estate Agents vs. Business Brokers

When it comes to buying or selling a business, many people turn to business brokers for their expertise and knowledge in the industry. However, there may be some confusion as to whether a real estate agent can also handle the sale of a business. While both professionals deal with properties, they have different areas of expertise. So, the question remains: can a real estate agent sell a business? In this blog post, we will explore the roles of both a real estate agent and a business broker and determine if a real estate agent can successfully sell a business.

Real Estate Agent Sell a Business

Focus and Expertise

Real Estate Agents:

Real estate agents, primarily known for their role in buying and selling properties, can indeed extend their services to selling businesses, especially when real estate is a significant component of the sale. Their expertise in understanding market conditions, leveraging property exposure, and handling complex transactions can be advantageous.

However, their focus traditionally lies more on the property aspect rather than the nuanced valuation of a business’s operational components. Agents must navigate through additional legal and financial intricacies involved in business sales, which can vary significantly from standard real estate transactions, necessitating a broader skill set and often, collaboration with other professionals.

Business Brokers:

Business brokers specialize in the buying and selling of businesses, offering a tailored expertise that goes beyond the scope of traditional real estate transactions. They are adept at evaluating a business’s financial health, understanding its market position, and identifying potential buyers who are a good fit for the company’s future growth.

Their focus on the intricacies of business operations, including asset valuation and the assessment of intangible assets like brand value and customer loyalty, equips them to navigate the complex process of business sales efficiently. Business brokers also excel in maintaining confidentiality, a critical element in business transactions, to protect both the seller’s and the buyer’s interests.

Valuation Expertise

Real Estate Agents:

Real estate agents bring a unique perspective to the sale of a business, particularly when it involves a significant real estate component. They excel in marketing properties and can leverage this skill to showcase a business that includes real estate assets effectively. Their extensive network and experience in closing property deals can also facilitate smoother transactions.

However, their primary expertise in real estate means they might not always grasp the full scope of a business’s operational and financial intricacies without additional support from financial advisors or business brokers. This collaborative approach can enhance the selling process, ensuring both the physical and operational assets are appropriately valued and marketed.

Business Brokers:

Business brokers, with their specialized knowledge, play a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless sale of a business. They possess the ability to accurately assess the worth of a company, taking into account its market position, financial performance, and potential for future growth. These professionals excel in preparing a business for sale, advising on adjustments that may increase its value, and implementing strategies to find suitable buyers.

Their expertise extends to crafting detailed information memorandums that highlight a business’s strengths, appealing directly to prospective buyers’ interests and goals. By orchestrating the negotiation process, business brokers facilitate agreements that align with the objectives of both sellers and buyers, ensuring a smooth transition of ownership.

Real Estate Agent Sell a Business

Deal Structure and Negotiation

Real Estate Agents:

In venturing into the business selling arena, real estate agents can provide significant value, especially when property is a major asset of the business. Their capability to navigate property-related negotiations can be crucial in transactions where the business’s physical location and premises play a central role in its operational success.

Nonetheless, they may need to partner with financial experts or business brokers to fully address the business aspect of the sale, ensuring a comprehensive approach that covers both the real estate and operational facets of the company being sold.

Business Brokers:

Business brokers are the go-to professionals for navigating the complexities of selling a business. Their deep understanding of market trends, financial analysis, and buyer sourcing is unparalleled. They streamline the sales process, ensuring that a business is presented to the right potential buyers in the best possible light.

Furthermore, business brokers manage the delicate task of negotiations, balancing the seller’s expectations with the realities of the marketplace to achieve optimal outcomes. Their comprehensive service ensures that all facets of the sale, from valuation to closing, are handled with professionalism and expertise, making them invaluable partners in the business selling process.


Real Estate Agents:

Real estate agents primarily focus on buying and selling property, but they can extend their services to include businesses, especially if the business sale involves significant real estate components. They must be knowledgeable about local market conditions and possess strong negotiation skills.

However, their experience in the intricate details of business operations, valuation, and non-real estate assets might be limited compared to business brokers. When a business sale is primarily about the underlying real estate, a real estate agent can play a crucial role. They work under a real estate license, and while this permits them to sell businesses, the fit depends greatly on the nature of the transaction.

Business Brokers:

Business brokers specialize in the sale and purchase of businesses, bringing a deep understanding of business valuation, market analysis, and the complexities of business operations. Unlike real estate agents, they are specifically trained to manage the nuances of selling a business, including handling financial records, managing confidentiality agreements, and navigating buyer-seller negotiations beyond property concerns.

Their expertise ensures that both tangible and intangible assets are accurately valued and marketed to potential buyers. For owners seeking to sell a business as an ongoing concern rather than just the real estate, a business broker offers the targeted skills and experience necessary for a successful transaction.

Real Estate Agent Sell a Business

Marketing Strategie

Real Estate Agents:

In the realm of selling a business, real estate agents bring to the table their extensive network and prowess in marketing property. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses where the real estate aspect is a major component of the sale.

Their ability to showcase properties through various platforms can attract buyers interested not just in a building, but in a turnkey operation. Additionally, their negotiation skills, honed through property sales, can be advantageous in securing favorable terms for the sale. However, their expertise might not fully encompass the valuation of business-specific assets beyond the physical premises.

Business Brokers:

Business brokers are the go-to professionals for those looking to sell their business efficiently and at the best possible price. Their expertise in analyzing financials, preparing businesses for sale, and identifying suitable buyers ensures a smoother transaction process. They excel in crafting compelling sales pitches that highlight the unique value of a business beyond its physical assets.

Moreover, their role in facilitating negotiations and managing due diligence processes can significantly reduce the stress on the seller, making them invaluable for transactions where the business’s operational success and future potential are the main selling points.

Transworld Commercial Real Estate’s Unique Advantage

Transworld Commercial Real Estate stands out by seamlessly integrating the specialties of both real estate agents and business brokers. With a holistic approach, it leverages the expansive network and property marketing prowess of real estate professionals alongside the intricate business valuation and operational insights of business brokers.

This dual expertise ensures clients receive comprehensive support, whether the sale’s focus is on real estate, business assets, or a combination of both. Transworld’s unique positioning enables it to offer tailored strategies that significantly enhance the prospects of selling a business successfully, maximizing value for business owners in a way that single-discipline agencies cannot match.


While a real estate agent can indeed sell a business, the success of such a transaction greatly depends on the nature of the business and its assets. For businesses with a significant real estate component, a real estate agent could be sufficient. However, when selling a business involves complex operations and intangible assets, a business broker’s specialized skills are invaluable. The choice between the two professionals should be informed by the specific needs and goals of the business sale. In some cases, leveraging the combined expertise of both might offer the best of both worlds, ensuring a comprehensive approach to selling your business.

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